At the end of every year, I post 10 images on Instagram that are among my favorites from the past 12 months. Here are the 2022 selections in no particular order.
Andy Towne, adventurer extraordinaire, was a bit jet lagged on this day. After some cycling in Seattle and a late return to our island on the ferry, he seemed to have lost the ability to speak and was gesturing for his before-bed tea.
Mount Constance and the Bainbridge Island ferry on a summer’s evening.
Andy Towne makes another appearance in this year’s favorites. Here he’s about to belay me through an exposed section of our October climb of Mount Stone in the Olympic Mountains.
Arbutus trees on Clark Island (San Juans) and Mount Baker in the distance.
Red Fox kits on San Juan Island.
Late autumn light on Bainbridge Island. Kate Garfield is my life and adventure partner and she’s always able to find the special places wherever we go in the world.
Ravens over the summit of Mount Stone. They waited until we had vacated the true summit and then checked to make sure we left no trace.
Gina Gotch and Ted Steudel out for a spin at the edge of Clark Island.
Near the end of a February circumnavigation of Indian Island (Salish Sea), we had to walk the boats through the low-tide shallows. Fantastic light for a nice long stretch of time!
Early summer waves on Rich Passage, Bainbridge Island.