Fort Funston, San Francisco, CA
Song Sparrow, Western Washington
Croda del Beco, Dolomites, Italy
Burrowing Owl, Bodega Head, CA
Olympic Mountains, November
Pompano, Seattle Aquarium
Raven, Fort Funston, San Francisco, CA
Green Stink Bug
Succulents and Moss, San Juan Islands, WA
Chum Salmon Fry
Salish Sea Sunset, November
Wilson's Warbler
Fox on the hunt
Surface Tension
Mount Sanford, Alaska
Gray Whale, Baja, Mexico
Old Apple Tree, Late October
Waiting in the Sun
Mammatus clouds, Cascade Locks, Oregon
Pika in the Cascade Mountains, WA
Koi, Japanese Garden, Seattle
Morning in the Dolomites
August Pear
Goldenrod Crab Spider with Bumble Bee Prey
Osoberry - a sure sign of spring in the PNW
Territory Defended
Pacific Northwest Bamboo Forest
Red Fox Kits
Spinning in the Creek
Magnificant Frigatebirds, Baja, Mexico
Ramsey Island, Wales
On the move in Wales
Side-blotched lizard, orange-throated morph, Eastern Washington
Red-legged frog, Bainbridge Island, WA
Sand Fleas Flee the Rising Tide
Red Roof Moss in Spring
Sunrise over Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Autumn Submerged
Leaf Lichen, Acadia National Park
Lower Hadlock Pond, Acadia National Park, Maine
After the Snowstorm
Winter reflection
Super Cub Peak, Alaska
Don't forget to look down!
Salish Sea Salmon
Remote Island, Coast of British Columbia
Salmon in the Salish Sea
Alpine Lakes Wilderness
Great Egrets, Eastern Washington
Big Cedar
Winter in Smith Rock State Park, Oregon
Turret Arch, Arches National Park, Utah
The late A38 (aka Blackney), Johnstone Strait, 2012
Valdes Island, Canada
Concretion at Nodule Point, WA
Autumn approaching winter
Dragontail Peak, Cascade Mountains
Food Fight
Summer Waves
American Oystercatchers in Mexico
Drama over the Salish Sea
Alpine Lakes Wilderness, WA
Cedar Waxwing
Ice Storm
Below Mount Kilimanjaro
Shoreline, Baja, Mexico
Kelp in the wind and current, Salish Sea, WA
Forest Photons
People of Sucia Island, WA
Crater rim of Mount Saint Helens, Mount Adams in distance
Balloonfish, Baja, Mexico
Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania
Mink, Vancouver Island
North Cascades National Park
White-necked ravens, Mount Kilimanaro
Icefield Ranges, Yukon, Canada
Mount Maudit, French Alps
Lobelia, Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa
Wildlife of Marrowstone Island, WA
Autumn above Zurich
Arusha National Park, Tanzania
Spring Dew
Dead Crow Chick, North Seattle
Walls of Cwm Idwal, Wales
Zion National Park, Utah
Barred Owl
Mont Blanc
 Carn Fadryn, Wales
Trigger Fish, Gulf of California
Tarn Grass
Isla Danzante, Baja
Sea Jellies both real and imagined, Vancouver aquarium
A murder
Panamic Green Moray, Baja
Winter in the mountains
Stone Scorpionfish, Baja, Mexico
First snowfall
Black Oystercatcher
Brown Pelicans, Gulf of California
Coyote, Baja, Mexico
Summer Sea Urchin
The moon sets over Grimsel Pass, Switzerland
Bending to the power of the wind
Water Mite under microscope
Mountain Beaver, Western Washington
Summit glacier, Kilimanjaro, 2002
Fort Funston, San Francisco, CA
Fort Funston, San Francisco, CA
Song Sparrow, Western Washington
Song Sparrow, Western Washington
Croda del Beco, Dolomites, Italy
Croda del Beco, Dolomites, Italy
Burrowing Owl, Bodega Head, CA
Burrowing Owl, Bodega Head, CA
Olympic Mountains, November
Olympic Mountains, November
Pompano, Seattle Aquarium
Pompano, Seattle Aquarium
Raven, Fort Funston, San Francisco, CA
Raven, Fort Funston, San Francisco, CA
Green Stink Bug
Green Stink Bug
Succulents and Moss, San Juan Islands, WA
Succulents and Moss, San Juan Islands, WA
Chum Salmon Fry
Chum Salmon Fry
Salish Sea Sunset, November
Salish Sea Sunset, November
Wilson's Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
Fox on the hunt
Fox on the hunt
Surface Tension
Surface Tension
Mount Sanford, Alaska
Mount Sanford, Alaska
Gray Whale, Baja, Mexico
Gray Whale, Baja, Mexico
Old Apple Tree, Late October
Old Apple Tree, Late October
Waiting in the Sun
Waiting in the Sun
Mammatus clouds, Cascade Locks, Oregon
Mammatus clouds, Cascade Locks, Oregon
Pika in the Cascade Mountains, WA
Pika in the Cascade Mountains, WA
Koi, Japanese Garden, Seattle
Koi, Japanese Garden, Seattle
Morning in the Dolomites
Morning in the Dolomites
August Pear
August Pear
Goldenrod Crab Spider with Bumble Bee Prey
Goldenrod Crab Spider with Bumble Bee Prey
Osoberry - a sure sign of spring in the PNW
Osoberry - a sure sign of spring in the PNW
Territory Defended
Territory Defended
Pacific Northwest Bamboo Forest
Pacific Northwest Bamboo Forest
Red Fox Kits
Red Fox Kits
Spinning in the Creek
Spinning in the Creek
Magnificant Frigatebirds, Baja, Mexico
Magnificant Frigatebirds, Baja, Mexico
Ramsey Island, Wales
Ramsey Island, Wales
On the move in Wales
On the move in Wales
Side-blotched lizard, orange-throated morph, Eastern Washington
Side-blotched lizard, orange-throated morph, Eastern Washington
Red-legged frog, Bainbridge Island, WA
Red-legged frog, Bainbridge Island, WA
Sand Fleas Flee the Rising Tide
Sand Fleas Flee the Rising Tide
Red Roof Moss in Spring
Red Roof Moss in Spring
Sunrise over Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Sunrise over Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Autumn Submerged
Autumn Submerged
Leaf Lichen, Acadia National Park
Leaf Lichen, Acadia National Park
Lower Hadlock Pond, Acadia National Park, Maine
Lower Hadlock Pond, Acadia National Park, Maine
After the Snowstorm
After the Snowstorm
Winter reflection
Winter reflection
Super Cub Peak, Alaska
Super Cub Peak, Alaska
Don't forget to look down!
Don't forget to look down!
Salish Sea Salmon
Salish Sea Salmon
Remote Island, Coast of British Columbia
Remote Island, Coast of British Columbia
Salmon in the Salish Sea
Salmon in the Salish Sea
Alpine Lakes Wilderness
Alpine Lakes Wilderness
Great Egrets, Eastern Washington
Great Egrets, Eastern Washington
Big Cedar
Big Cedar
Winter in Smith Rock State Park, Oregon
Winter in Smith Rock State Park, Oregon
Turret Arch, Arches National Park, Utah
Turret Arch, Arches National Park, Utah
The late A38 (aka Blackney), Johnstone Strait, 2012
The late A38 (aka Blackney), Johnstone Strait, 2012
Valdes Island, Canada
Valdes Island, Canada
Concretion at Nodule Point, WA
Concretion at Nodule Point, WA
Autumn approaching winter
Autumn approaching winter
Dragontail Peak, Cascade Mountains
Dragontail Peak, Cascade Mountains
Food Fight
Food Fight
Summer Waves
Summer Waves
American Oystercatchers in Mexico
American Oystercatchers in Mexico
Drama over the Salish Sea
Drama over the Salish Sea
Alpine Lakes Wilderness, WA
Alpine Lakes Wilderness, WA
Cedar Waxwing
Cedar Waxwing
Ice Storm
Ice Storm
Below Mount Kilimanjaro
Below Mount Kilimanjaro
Shoreline, Baja, Mexico
Shoreline, Baja, Mexico
Kelp in the wind and current, Salish Sea, WA
Kelp in the wind and current, Salish Sea, WA
Forest Photons
Forest Photons
People of Sucia Island, WA
People of Sucia Island, WA
Crater rim of Mount Saint Helens, Mount Adams in distance
Crater rim of Mount Saint Helens, Mount Adams in distance
Balloonfish, Baja, Mexico
Balloonfish, Baja, Mexico
Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania
Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania
Mink, Vancouver Island
Mink, Vancouver Island
North Cascades National Park
North Cascades National Park
White-necked ravens, Mount Kilimanaro
White-necked ravens, Mount Kilimanaro
Icefield Ranges, Yukon, Canada
Icefield Ranges, Yukon, Canada
Mount Maudit, French Alps
Mount Maudit, French Alps
Lobelia, Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa
Lobelia, Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa
Wildlife of Marrowstone Island, WA
Wildlife of Marrowstone Island, WA
Autumn above Zurich
Autumn above Zurich
Arusha National Park, Tanzania
Arusha National Park, Tanzania
Spring Dew
Spring Dew
Dead Crow Chick, North Seattle
Dead Crow Chick, North Seattle
Walls of Cwm Idwal, Wales
Walls of Cwm Idwal, Wales
Zion National Park, Utah
Zion National Park, Utah
Barred Owl
Barred Owl
Mont Blanc
Mont Blanc
 Carn Fadryn, Wales
Carn Fadryn, Wales
Trigger Fish, Gulf of California
Trigger Fish, Gulf of California
Tarn Grass
Tarn Grass
Isla Danzante, Baja
Isla Danzante, Baja
Sea Jellies both real and imagined, Vancouver aquarium
Sea Jellies both real and imagined, Vancouver aquarium
A murder
A murder
Panamic Green Moray, Baja
Panamic Green Moray, Baja
Winter in the mountains
Winter in the mountains
Stone Scorpionfish, Baja, Mexico
Stone Scorpionfish, Baja, Mexico
First snowfall
First snowfall
Black Oystercatcher
Black Oystercatcher
Brown Pelicans, Gulf of California
Brown Pelicans, Gulf of California
Coyote, Baja, Mexico
Coyote, Baja, Mexico
Summer Sea Urchin
Summer Sea Urchin
The moon sets over Grimsel Pass, Switzerland
The moon sets over Grimsel Pass, Switzerland
Bending to the power of the wind
Bending to the power of the wind
Water Mite under microscope
Water Mite under microscope
Mountain Beaver, Western Washington
Mountain Beaver, Western Washington
Summit glacier, Kilimanjaro, 2002
Summit glacier, Kilimanjaro, 2002