I live on an island near my home mountain ranges of the Cascades and Olympics in Washington state. Fortunate enough to be introduced to human-powered adventure as a kid, I discovered a lifelong passion early. Not long after this introduction to adventure sport came another lasting love in the form of photography. In the early 80’s I began to combine the two and found I could express my love of wild places and endeavors through the lens. Along the way I began to share this love through the written word as well.

I have been fortunate to have family and friends willing to share adventures with me to truly wild places. From exquisitely remote ski mountaineering trips in the St. Elias mountains of Canada to exploring the Patagonian Icecap to secret spots an hour from home, my friends have given these adventures life. These special people populate my imagery, lending their unique personalities and passions to my art.

Motion:Emotion - they are entwined for me, one initiating the other in a kind of symbiotic relationship. When I am in motion in the wild world it never fails to produce an emotional response, which in turn encourages me to seek wild motion yet again.

But I’ve found that my photographic curiosity is not limited to the wild. It is, quite simply, a way for me to “let the art out.” So my lens often turns to a variety of subjects, looking for a clear pathway to the human heart.

Be well and ski well.


Email: kajbunephotography(at)gmail.com

Photo credits below: Ted Steudel, Mark Dale, Bob Bune, Kate Garfield