If Michelangelo went camping
Seattle Waterfront
Hiram Chittenden Locks, Seattle
Working Man's Vest
Summer Joy
Among the leaves
Pacific Northwest Liquid Sunshine
Wedding Dance Party About to Launch
Regatta, Ship Canal, Seattle
Winter Punts, Oxford, England
Pembrokeshire, Wales
Bob Bune, Skykomish River, 2002
Morning Fog, Broughton Archipelago, Canada
Winter Camping, Florida
Under I-5
Spring Sunset, Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island, WA
In the fern forest
Washington Coast
Science Fiction Scene, Seattle
Dark and Rainy Commute
Salish Sea Mood
Oscar The Bird King, Vashon Island, WA
Jimtown Store, Sonoma California
The Autumn Rains Return
Gandhi in the Window, Pietrasanta, Italy
Broken Group, Vancouver Island
Florence, Italy
Group Meditation
Washington State Ferry Walla Walla Aground on Bainbridge Island, WA
Ferry Walla Walla aground on Bainbridge Island, WA
Stonington, Maine
Redhook Brewery Fermenters
Psychedelic Window
Molten Seattle
Technorama, Winterthur, Switzerland
November afternoon, Salsih Sea Forest
Mount Constance above Bainbridge Island, WA
Totem, MOA, Vancouver, Canada
Eclipse in Seattle
Pietrasanta, Italy
Las Vegas
Sunrise over the Columbia River gorge, Eastern Washington
Cedar Rock Preserve, Shaw Island, WA
Cedar Rock Preserve, Shaw Island, WA
I have cool friends
Restoration Point, Bainbridge Island, WA
David, Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence, Italy
The David, Florence, Italy
Eraser brush, Seattle
Vancouver, BC
Fort Worden, Washington
I needed this message
Old and New Graffiti, Green River, Utah
Ferry Kalakala, Seattle Waterfront, 1998
Coos Bay, Oregon
March for our lives 2018, Seattle
Death in Baja
Seattle Women's March 2018
Mazama, WA
Silvana, WA
Raven and the First Men, MOA, Vancouver
Seattle Women's March 2018
Swiss Chalet Art
Naskeag, Maine - 4th of July
Traffic Stop
Holding Pattern
San Diego
over the water
If Michelangelo went camping
If Michelangelo went camping
Seattle Waterfront
Seattle Waterfront
Hiram Chittenden Locks, Seattle
Hiram Chittenden Locks, Seattle
Working Man's Vest
Working Man's Vest
Summer Joy
Summer Joy
Among the leaves
Among the leaves
Pacific Northwest Liquid Sunshine
Pacific Northwest Liquid Sunshine
Wedding Dance Party About to Launch
Wedding Dance Party About to Launch
Regatta, Ship Canal, Seattle
Regatta, Ship Canal, Seattle
Winter Punts, Oxford, England
Winter Punts, Oxford, England
Pembrokeshire, Wales
Pembrokeshire, Wales
Bob Bune, Skykomish River, 2002
Bob Bune, Skykomish River, 2002
Morning Fog, Broughton Archipelago, Canada
Morning Fog, Broughton Archipelago, Canada
Winter Camping, Florida
Winter Camping, Florida
Under I-5
Under I-5
Spring Sunset, Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island, WA
Spring Sunset, Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island, WA
In the fern forest
In the fern forest
Washington Coast
Washington Coast
Science Fiction Scene, Seattle
Science Fiction Scene, Seattle
Dark and Rainy Commute
Dark and Rainy Commute
Salish Sea Mood
Salish Sea Mood
Oscar The Bird King, Vashon Island, WA
Oscar The Bird King, Vashon Island, WA
Jimtown Store, Sonoma California
Jimtown Store, Sonoma California
The Autumn Rains Return
The Autumn Rains Return
Gandhi in the Window, Pietrasanta, Italy
Gandhi in the Window, Pietrasanta, Italy
Broken Group, Vancouver Island
Broken Group, Vancouver Island
Florence, Italy
Florence, Italy
Group Meditation
Group Meditation
Washington State Ferry Walla Walla Aground on Bainbridge Island, WA
Washington State Ferry Walla Walla Aground on Bainbridge Island, WA
Ferry Walla Walla aground on Bainbridge Island, WA
Ferry Walla Walla aground on Bainbridge Island, WA
Stonington, Maine
Stonington, Maine
Redhook Brewery Fermenters
Redhook Brewery Fermenters
Psychedelic Window
Psychedelic Window
Molten Seattle
Molten Seattle
Technorama, Winterthur, Switzerland
Technorama, Winterthur, Switzerland
November afternoon, Salsih Sea Forest
November afternoon, Salsih Sea Forest
Mount Constance above Bainbridge Island, WA
Mount Constance above Bainbridge Island, WA
Totem, MOA, Vancouver, Canada
Totem, MOA, Vancouver, Canada
Eclipse in Seattle
Eclipse in Seattle
Pietrasanta, Italy
Pietrasanta, Italy
Las Vegas
Las Vegas
Sunrise over the Columbia River gorge, Eastern Washington
Sunrise over the Columbia River gorge, Eastern Washington
Cedar Rock Preserve, Shaw Island, WA
Cedar Rock Preserve, Shaw Island, WA
Cedar Rock Preserve, Shaw Island, WA
Cedar Rock Preserve, Shaw Island, WA
I have cool friends
I have cool friends
Restoration Point, Bainbridge Island, WA
Restoration Point, Bainbridge Island, WA
David, Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence, Italy
David, Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence, Italy
The David, Florence, Italy
The David, Florence, Italy
Eraser brush, Seattle
Eraser brush, Seattle
Vancouver, BC
Vancouver, BC
Fort Worden, Washington
Fort Worden, Washington
I needed this message
I needed this message
Old and New Graffiti, Green River, Utah
Old and New Graffiti, Green River, Utah
Ferry Kalakala, Seattle Waterfront, 1998
Ferry Kalakala, Seattle Waterfront, 1998
Coos Bay, Oregon
Coos Bay, Oregon
March for our lives 2018, Seattle
March for our lives 2018, Seattle
Death in Baja
Death in Baja
Seattle Women's March 2018
Seattle Women's March 2018
Mazama, WA
Mazama, WA
Silvana, WA
Silvana, WA
Raven and the First Men, MOA, Vancouver
Raven and the First Men, MOA, Vancouver
Seattle Women's March 2018
Seattle Women's March 2018
Swiss Chalet Art
Swiss Chalet Art
Naskeag, Maine - 4th of July
Naskeag, Maine - 4th of July
Traffic Stop
Traffic Stop
Holding Pattern
Holding Pattern
San Diego
San Diego
over the water
over the water