Jack London State Historic Park, Sonoma County, California
Chinatown, San Francisco
Passo Giao, Dolomites, Italy
Venice, Italy
Pine Lake Park, San Francisco
Bainbridge Island, WA
Arusha, Tanzania
Sunset, Place of Refuge, Hawaii
Old Zurich by night
Dunstanburgh Castle, Northumberland, England
Tomales Bay, California
Interlaken, Switzerland
Autumn in Zurich, Switzerland
Seattle Sunset, November
Holy Island, Northumberland, England
Seattle Overlook Walk Grand Opening, October, 2024
Florence, Italy
Bainbridge Island, WA
Carnival, Winterthur, Switzerland
Seattle Waterfront
Pembrokeshire, Wales
Salish Sea, Bainbridge Island, Olympic Mtns. from Seattle
More Venice
After a winter day in Seattle
Stonington, Maine
Bagno Vignoni, Italy
Arusha, Tanzania
The Art of the Photo Bomb, Amsterdam
Loreto, Baja California
Mouth of the Alsek River, SE Alaska
Downtown Seattle
Luck, Wisconsin, early autumn
Deer Isle, Maine
Outside of Amsterdam
Water Nymph, Neptune Fountain, Florence, Italy
Loreto, Mexico
Zurich, Switzerland
Goleudy Twr Bach, Wales
The Brothers above the Kitsap Peninsula, WA
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island, WA
Above Zurich, Switzerland
Frenchman Coulee, Washington
Battle Point Park, Bainbridge Island, WA
Iffley Church, Oxford, England
Arbor Low Stone Circle, South Peak District, England
Frenchman Coulee, Washington
Historic Ferry Kalakala, Seattle Waterfront, 1998
The Famous Elephant Car Wash, Seattle, 1993
Industrial Seattle
Mount Rainier above the Salish Sea
Texel Island, Netherlands
Edam, Netherlands
Sint Anthony Gasthuis, Groningen, Netherlands
Just up from the Seattle waterfront
Downtown Seattle
Famous El Rey Del Taco, Loreto, Mexico
Tacoma, WA
Holland reflected
After the Rain, Swiss Alps
Loreto, Mexico
Mont Blanc, France
Jack London State Historic Park, Sonoma County, California
Jack London State Historic Park, Sonoma County, California
Chinatown, San Francisco
Chinatown, San Francisco
Passo Giao, Dolomites, Italy
Passo Giao, Dolomites, Italy
Venice, Italy
Venice, Italy
Pine Lake Park, San Francisco
Pine Lake Park, San Francisco
Bainbridge Island, WA
Bainbridge Island, WA
Arusha, Tanzania
Arusha, Tanzania
Sunset, Place of Refuge, Hawaii
Sunset, Place of Refuge, Hawaii
Old Zurich by night
Old Zurich by night
Dunstanburgh Castle, Northumberland, England
Dunstanburgh Castle, Northumberland, England
Tomales Bay, California
Tomales Bay, California
Interlaken, Switzerland
Interlaken, Switzerland
Autumn in Zurich, Switzerland
Autumn in Zurich, Switzerland
Seattle Sunset, November
Seattle Sunset, November
Holy Island, Northumberland, England
Holy Island, Northumberland, England
Seattle Overlook Walk Grand Opening, October, 2024
Seattle Overlook Walk Grand Opening, October, 2024
Florence, Italy
Florence, Italy
Bainbridge Island, WA
Bainbridge Island, WA
Carnival, Winterthur, Switzerland
Carnival, Winterthur, Switzerland
Seattle Waterfront
Seattle Waterfront
Pembrokeshire, Wales
Pembrokeshire, Wales
Salish Sea, Bainbridge Island, Olympic Mtns. from Seattle
Salish Sea, Bainbridge Island, Olympic Mtns. from Seattle
More Venice
More Venice
After a winter day in Seattle
After a winter day in Seattle
Stonington, Maine
Stonington, Maine
Bagno Vignoni, Italy
Bagno Vignoni, Italy
Arusha, Tanzania
Arusha, Tanzania
The Art of the Photo Bomb, Amsterdam
The Art of the Photo Bomb, Amsterdam
Loreto, Baja California
Loreto, Baja California
Mouth of the Alsek River, SE Alaska
Mouth of the Alsek River, SE Alaska
Downtown Seattle
Downtown Seattle
Luck, Wisconsin, early autumn
Luck, Wisconsin, early autumn
Deer Isle, Maine
Deer Isle, Maine
Outside of Amsterdam
Outside of Amsterdam
Water Nymph, Neptune Fountain, Florence, Italy
Water Nymph, Neptune Fountain, Florence, Italy
Loreto, Mexico
Loreto, Mexico
Zurich, Switzerland
Zurich, Switzerland
Goleudy Twr Bach, Wales
Goleudy Twr Bach, Wales
The Brothers above the Kitsap Peninsula, WA
The Brothers above the Kitsap Peninsula, WA
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island, WA
Eagle Harbor, Bainbridge Island, WA
Above Zurich, Switzerland
Above Zurich, Switzerland
Frenchman Coulee, Washington
Frenchman Coulee, Washington
Battle Point Park, Bainbridge Island, WA
Battle Point Park, Bainbridge Island, WA
Iffley Church, Oxford, England
Iffley Church, Oxford, England
Arbor Low Stone Circle, South Peak District, England
Arbor Low Stone Circle, South Peak District, England
Frenchman Coulee, Washington
Frenchman Coulee, Washington
Historic Ferry Kalakala, Seattle Waterfront, 1998
Historic Ferry Kalakala, Seattle Waterfront, 1998
The Famous Elephant Car Wash, Seattle, 1993
The Famous Elephant Car Wash, Seattle, 1993
Industrial Seattle
Industrial Seattle
Mount Rainier above the Salish Sea
Mount Rainier above the Salish Sea
Texel Island, Netherlands
Texel Island, Netherlands
Edam, Netherlands
Edam, Netherlands
Sint Anthony Gasthuis, Groningen, Netherlands
Sint Anthony Gasthuis, Groningen, Netherlands
Just up from the Seattle waterfront
Just up from the Seattle waterfront
Downtown Seattle
Downtown Seattle
Famous El Rey Del Taco, Loreto, Mexico
Famous El Rey Del Taco, Loreto, Mexico
Tacoma, WA
Tacoma, WA
Holland reflected
Holland reflected
After the Rain, Swiss Alps
After the Rain, Swiss Alps
Loreto, Mexico
Loreto, Mexico
Mont Blanc, France
Mont Blanc, France